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Comparative analysis of amplicon and metagenomic sequencing methods reveals key features in the evolution of animal metaorganisms

Rausch P, Rühlemann M, Hermes BM, Doms S, Dagan T, Dierking K, Domin H, Fraune S, Von Frieling J, Hentschel U, Heinsen FA. et al. Comparative analysis of amplicon and metagenomic sequencing methods reveals key features in the evolution of animal metaorganisms. Microbiome. 2019 Dec;7(1):1-9.


Temperature and insulin signaling regulate body size in Hydra by the Wnt and TGF-beta pathways

Mortzfeld BM, Taubenheim J, Klimovich AV, Fraune S, Rosenstiel P, Bosch TC. Temperature and insulin signaling regulate body size in Hydra by the Wnt and TGF-beta pathways. Nature Communications. 2019 Jul 22;10(1):3257.


The microbiome mediates environmental effects on ageing

Finlay BB, Pettersson S, Melby MK, Bosch TC. The microbiome mediates environmental effects on aging. BioEssays. 2019 Oct;41(10):1800257.


Transgenesis in Hydra to characterize gene function and visualize cell behaviour.

Klimovich A, Wittlieb J, Bosch TC. Transgenesis in Hydra to characterize gene function and visualize cell behavior. Nature Protocols. 2019 Jul;14(7):2069-90.


Neutrality in the metaorganism

Sieber M, Pita L, Weiland-Bräuer N, Dirksen P, Wang J, Mortzfeld B, Franzenburg S, Schmitz RA, Baines JF, Fraune S, Hentschel U. et al. Neutrality in the metaorganism. PLoS Biology. 2019 Jun 19;17(6):e3000298.


Evolutionary “experiments” in symbiosis: the study of model animals provides insights into the mechanisms underlying diversity of host-microbe interactions

Bosch TC, Guillemin K, McFall‐Ngai M. Evolutionary “experiments” in symbiosis: the study of model animals provides insights into the mechanisms underlying the diversity of host–microbe interactions. BioEssays. 2019 Oct;41(10):1800256.


Exposure of the host-associated microbiome to nutrient-rich conditions may lead to dysbiosis and disease development – an evolutionary perspective.

Lachnit T, Bosch TC, Deines P. Exposure of the host-associated microbiome to nutrient-rich conditions may lead to dysbiosis and disease development—an evolutionary perspective. MBio. 2019 Jun 25;10(3):10-128.


Resolving structure and function of metaorganisms through a holistic framework 2 combining reductionist and integrative approaches

Jaspers C, Fraune S, Arnold AE, Miller DJ, Bosch TC, Voolstra CR. Resolving structure and function of metaorganisms through a holistic framework combining reductionist and integrative approaches. Zoology. 2019 Apr 1;133:81-7.


Hydra as Model to Determine the Role of FOXO in Longevity

Bosch TC. Hydra as Model to Determine the Role of FOXO in Longevity. FOXO Transcription Factors: Methods and Protocols. 2019:231-8.


Metabolic co-dependence drives the evolutionarily ancient Hydra-Chlorella symbiosis.

Hamada M, Schröder K, Bathia J, Kürn U, Fraune S, Khalturina M, Khalturin K, Shinzato C, Satoh N, Bosch TC. Metabolic co-dependence drives the evolutionarily ancient Hydra–Chlorella symbiosis. Elife. 2018 May 31;7:e35122.


Grow With the Challenge – Microbial Effects on Epithelial Proliferation, Carcinogenesis, and Cancer Therapy

Von Frieling J, Fink C, Hamm J, Klischies K, Forster M, Bosch TC, Roeder T, Rosenstiel P, Sommer F. Grow with the challenge–microbial effects on epithelial proliferation, carcinogenesis, and cancer therapy. Frontiers in microbiology. 2018 Sep 20;9:2020.


Non-senescent Hydra tolerates severe disturbances in the nuclear lamina.

Klimovich A, Rehm A, Wittlieb J, Herbst EM, Benavente R, Bosch TC. Non-senescent Hydra tolerates severe disturbances in the nuclear lamina. Aging (Albany NY). 2018 May;10(5):951.