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Rethinking the Role of the Nervous System: Lessons From the Hydra Holobiont

Klimovich AV, Bosch TC. Rethinking the role of the nervous system: lessons from the Hydra holobiont. BioEssays. 2018 Sep;40(9):1800060.


Carrying capacity and colonization dynamics of Curvibacter in the Hydra host habitat

Wein T, Dagan T, Fraune S, Bosch TC, Reusch TB, Hülter NF. Carrying capacity and colonization dynamics of Curvibacter in the Hydra host habitat. Frontiers in microbiology. 2018 Mar 14;9:443.


Stem cell transcription factor FoxO controls microbiome resilience in Hydra.

Mortzfeld BM, Taubenheim J, Fraune S, Klimovich AV, Bosch TC. Stem cell transcription factor FoxO controls microbiome resilience in Hydra. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2018 Apr 3;9:629.


Metaorganisms in extreme environments: do microbes play a role in organismal adaptation?

Bang C, Dagan T, Deines P, Dubilier N, Duschl WJ, Fraune S, Hentschel U, Hirt H, Hülter N, Lachnit T, Picazo D, Pita L, Pogoreutz C, Rädecker N, Saad MM, Schmitz RA, Schulenburg H, Voolstra CR, Weiland-Bräuer N, Ziegler M, Bosch TCG. Metaorganisms in extreme environments: do microbes play a role in organismal adaptation?. Zoology. 2018 Apr 1;127:1-9.


How the microbiome challenges our concept of self.

Rees T, Bosch T, Douglas AE. How the microbiome challenges our concept of self. PLoS Biology. 2018 Feb 9;16(2):e2005358.


Temperate phages as self-replicating weapons in bacterial competition.

Li XY, Lachnit T, Fraune S, Bosch TC, Traulsen A, Sieber M. Temperate phages as self-replicating weapons in bacterial competition. Journal of The Royal Society Interface. 2017 Dec 31;14(137):20170563.


Spontaneous body contractions are modulated by the microbiome of Hydra.

Murillo-Rincon AP, Klimovich A, Pemöller E, Taubenheim J, Mortzfeld B, Augustin R, Bosch TC. Spontaneous body contractions are modulated by the microbiome of Hydra. Scientific Reports. 2017 Nov 21;7(1):15937.


A secreted antibacterial neuropeptide shapes the microbiome of Hydra.

Augustin R, Schröder K, Murillo Rincón AP, Fraune S, Anton-Erxleben F, Herbst EM, Wittlieb J, Schwentner M, Grötzinger J, Wassenaar TM, Bosch TC. A secreted antibacterial neuropeptide shapes the microbiome of Hydra. Nature Communications. 2017 Sep 26;8(1):698.



Host modification of a bacterial quorum-sensing signal induces a phenotypic switch in bacterial symbionts.

Pietschke C, Treitz C, Forêt S, Schultze A, Künzel S, Tholey A, Bosch TC, Fraune S. Host modification of a bacterial quorum-sensing signal induces a phenotypic switch in bacterial symbionts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2017 Oct 3;114(40):E8488-97.


Eco-Ageing: stem cells and microbes are controlled by ageing antagonist FoxO

Mortzfeld BM, Bosch TC. Eco-aging: stem cells and microbes are controlled by aging antagonist FoxO. Current Opinion in Microbiology. 2017 Aug 1;38:181-7.


Back to the Basics: Cnidarians Start to Fire.

Bosch TC, Klimovich A, Domazet-Lošo T, Gründer S, Holstein TW, Jékely G, Miller DJ, Murillo-Rincon AP, Rentzsch F, Richards GS, Schröder K, Technau U, Yuste R. Back to the basics: cnidarians start to fire. Trends in Neurosciences. 2017 Feb 1;40(2):92-105.


The Origin of Mucosal Immunity: Lessons from the Holobiont Hydra.

Schröder K, Bosch TC. The origin of mucosal immunity: lessons from the holobiont Hydra. MBio. 2016 Dec 30;7(6):10-128.